Profile PictureDr. Fred Baltz

I am Dr. Frederick Baltz, a pastor, teacher, biblical scholar, and author of many books including Preach With All You've Got. I have contributed to documentary films, and have served within the church in many capacities through my career. I'm offering video sermons for churches without pastors, and pastors who need a replacement at times. These sermons can be projected within the worship service. You can view a free example at Questions? Do you need a sermon that isn't listed? Contact me at 563 580-7080. I am now offering a three-part video Bible study about the birth of Jesus Christ. It's called The Arrival of the King. This study may be used for individuals and for small or large groups. Let me know if you would like a study guide (563 580-7080). Part one is The Announcers. It's about prophets and prophecy, and Balaam the seer and Gabriel the angel. Part two is: Luke. It's about the nativity as Luke presents it, with related issues like the career of Quirinius, the registration of the world, and just when this all took place. Part three is: Matthew. This deals with the Magi and the Star, with attention paid to astronomy, and to Mesopotamian cuneiform omens lists which are now available to us. The results are fascinating. It's best to use all three, but the videos can function as stand-alone experiences.